Tuesday, October 28, 2008


My friend tagged me into her blog about 6 of my quirks. I don't know if I really want to share...

Google defines quirks as an oddity: a strange attitude or habit. I have a lot and yet I am a pretty normal guy.

1 - I have a recurring nightmare in which my grandmother is killed by a man with a strange deep slow voice. He beats her with her VCR. Whenever I think of this voice I get cold chills.

2 - I hate listening to my own voice. I think my voice is very nasal and sounds higher pitched than I wish it would be.

3 - I have no feeling on my left thumb near the nail. When I get nervous I pick it until it bleeds. It doesn't hurt until I get the wound open deep.

4 - I have done my hair the same way since I got back from my mission. I would like to change it but can't find a different way to do it.

5 - I don't like to go anywhere without my cell phone.

6 - I can't fall asleep on my stomach. I fall asleep the fastest when on my side with one hand under my head even though it puts my arm to sleep.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

My Facebook Addiction

Many of you know how addictive facebook is. I am one of the afflicted!

I started using at work because my co-workers were doing it! Then I found out that some of my family were even into it. I started getting the text messages on my phone inviting me to come back and race or buy one of my friends. It was all so simple at first.

The other day I discovered how to create pages. I realized that I am a huge fan of Peanut M&M's and they weren't represented with a page and this tragedy continues! Now I am thinking of so many more things that must be represented on Facebook! I might have to quit my job just to keep in touch with all my friends and relatives.....

Enjoy a little laugh at my expense today!