Ellie, Cutest One!, Elle the Belle, Ellser Bellser, Ellie Belly, Belly, Prolific Pooper, etc. Karen even has a little song "Ellie Belly she's the cutest one!"

Ellie is eating solid foods. Karen makes most of them in our vita-mixer! Ellie likes peas and yams and didn't like beets very much.

Katie rides the bus to school and really likes her new teacher Miss Althoff. She loves her math homework and is doing well in spelling. She and Mark do really well at coloring.

Mark's first day of school. As Karen would say "isn't he the handsomest!"

Katies second lost tooth. She has another loose one on top!

Elle the Belle!

One of the kids took this one of me! Scary morning face - I think this was the morning of Mom's Triathalon.

The kids and I enjoy reading, most of the time!

Markie learned how to ride his bike this summer but is a little small to do it by himself so he uses Katies scooter a lot. We need to do this some more to increase his confidence!

These are the kids who came to Markie's Party a very fun time was had by all.

Yummie Cake!

In Christian's blog he mentioned Tessa's scrapbooking. Karen is taking requests for unique cakes!

Mark insisted on a pinata at his party. It broke off the rope before the candy fell out. The candy finally came out through the mouth so the dinosaur was beaten into submission and eventually lost his cookies? :-)

Again, the handsome man!