Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My friend is a much better blogger than I am recently did a tag post about 8 things - Since I read it I guess I am "tagged."  So here goes:

8 Shows I love to watch
1-Amazing Race
3-Dirty Jobs
4-John & Kate + 8
5-BYU Football Games
6-Biggest Loser
7-Extreme House Makeover
8-Free rentals from Redbox on Mondays - that might not count but oh well!

8 Favorite Restaurants
1-The Roof
2-Cafe Rio
4-Cheap Chinese (any of them)
6-Happy Sumo
8-Olive Garden

8 Things that Happened Yesterday
1-Took over on my first full day as GSM at Low Book of Salt Lake
2-As GSM sold 6 cars
3-Worked from 9-9
4-Took the dog on a Run/Bike ride and nearly killed myself in the process
5-Ate pizza
6-Watched Biggest Loser
7-Wrote a letter to my brother serving a mission in the Ukraine
8-Went to bed

8 Things I am looking forward to
1-Going to Body Worlds with Karen
3-Taking a vacation
4-Lagoon Passes
5-My Laptop
6-Apple stock hitting $120
7-My house to not feel like we are still moving in
8-A time when I make more than my wants list requires

8 Things I love about fall
1-that my wife stops complaining about the summer heat and how much she wishes it would just be fall
4-That the snow is almost here
5-I sleep better
6-the color change
7-the crisp air
8-hot chocolate

8 things on my wishlist
1-my laptop (the one noted in the last post)
2-my bike (meaning bicycle)
3-my motorcycle (a big one to ride across america on)
4-a paid mortgage
5-a secure retirement
6-the economy to come back
7-a secure job
8-a feeling that my life isn't in such chaos!

Tag - your it for life - just for reading

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